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86 Milano Body Frame Dimension Chart for Alfa Romeo by KLM (86_Milano_Frame)
$19.95 |
87 GTV-6 and Milano Body Frame Dimension Chart for Alfa Romeo by KLM (87_GTV6_Mil_Fra)
$19.95 |
89 Milano & Spider Unibody, Chassis, & Frame Dimension & Specification Charts for Alfa Romero by KLM (89_Alfa_Frame)
$19.95 |
90 flat rate manual for 164, Spider, GTV6, and Milano by Alfa Romeo (90_flat_rate)
$69.95 |
87 Milano 2.5 Owners Manual, 50 state version, by Alfa Romeo (87_Milano_own - Not a shop manual)
$32.95 |
88 Alfa Romeo Milano V6 Owners Manual (88_MilanoV6_OM - Not a shop manual)
$99.95 |
86 Alfa Romeo Milano Sales Brochure (86_Milano_CC)
$12.95 |
88 Alfa Romeo Milano Sales Brochure by Alfa Romeo (88_Milano_CC)
$9.95 |
89 Alfa Romeo Milano Sales Brochure fold-out (89_Milano_CF)
$19.95 |
Alfa Romeo Preview by John Stein Reprinted from Automobile Magazine, July 1986 (86_AMMilanoPRVW)
$12.95 |
87 Alfa Romeo Milano Sedan Color Selections Sales Brochure (87_Milano_Color)
$4.95 |
88 Alfa Romeo Milano Sport Coupe Postcard (88_Milano_Card)
$3.95 |
ALFA ROMEO Milano 75 V6 2.5-3.0 Litre Shop Service Repair Manual (88_ALFV625_30S)
$133.95 |
84-89 Alfa Romeo Maintenance Handbook Spider GTV6 & Milano (86_ALFAMaintHB)
$69.95 |
Alfa Romeo 75 Milano by L. Ardizio 120pg history in ITALIAN (889788879115407)
$59.95 |
GTV6 & Milano Shop Service Repair manual including all GTV6 sections plus ABS Self Leveling Auto Trans by Alfa Romeo (85_RM124)
$129.95 |
88 Milano & Spider Unibody, Chassis, & Frame Dimension & Specification Chart for Alfa Romeo (88_Mil_Sp_Frame)
$19.95 |
Alfa Romeo 75 Milano History Driven to be Different by P. Kooebrugge 264 pg hardcover (88_Milano_Book)
$399.95 |
75-86 Transaxle, Suspension, & brakes: factory workshop manual by Alfa Romeo for Alfetta, Milano, & GTV6 (79_Trans)
$34.95 |
62-78 Alfa Romeo Giulia history by Lorenzo Ardizio about the Giulia Sedan & Ti & Super in ITALIAN language (709788879115469)
$79.95 |
Alfa Romeo V6 Engine High-Performance Manual by Kartalamakis covering engine & chassis improvements. head mods, flowbench, dyno plots, big-brakes suspension mods electrical improvements 150+ photos 144 pages (97_143189)
$159.95 |
Alfa Romeo Gli Anni di Arese Gli uomini, la fabbrica, le automobili 20 interviews with key people from inside the company 1960-2000 Hardocver 140 pages with 296 photos in Italian Language by D. Moriero (80_Alfa_Arese)
$59.95 |
Alfa Romeo Limousinen Hardcover 144 pages about Alfa Sedans authored form the 1900 of the 50's through the current 159 by C. Schon in GERMAN (87_924S_Wiring)
$23.95 |
Alfa Romeo Milano classic history of the Marque by M. Frostick: 225 pgs (50_MilanoARCH)
$39.95 |
Zagato Milano 1919-2009 The Official Book by Giorgio Nada 175 hardbound pages covering all desings including those for Abarth Alfa Romeo Maserati Ferrari Lancia Aston Martin and all others. (65_191594)
$64.95 |
Alfa Romeo Typenhandbuch Alle Modelle von 1910 bis Heute history of Alfa from 1910 to 2002 with 310 illustrations containing technical data by J.Walz in GERMAN language (76_37320)
$23.95 |
Collecting Alfa Romeo by Keith Martin 120 pg from PreWar to current (70_140436)
$29.95 |
Zagato Milano 1919-2014 by Zagato & Di Taranto 176 pages hardcover (89_200_audi)
$89.95 |
Alfa Romeo Century of Innovation 100 years 136 pages hardcover (609780764340727)
$29.95 |
Alfa Romeo the Official Book Centenary Edition celebrating the 100 years very very large book (60_200433N)
$999.95 |
Alfa Romeo 100 Years by Mailander design & Jorg Walz in GERMAN language 192 pages hardcover with 210 color & 52 bw photos (60_Alfa_Mail)
$99.95 |
1910-2010 Alfa Romeo Cento Anne di Leggenda 100 years of a legend 180 pages pocket sized 100 year history of AlfaRomeo by Alessandro Sannia in ITALIAN language (70_Alfa_Anne)
$39.95 |
Alfa Romeo Croce e Delizia by Gianni Chizzola A deep look into the production of Alfa Romeo through the main models and the main protagonists published in 2010 156 pages hardcover in ITALIAN language (70_Alfa_Croce)
$49.95 |
CuriosAlfa 304 hardbound pages about Alfa Romeo Curios by Stefano Salvetti published in 2010 in both English & Italian fascinating book about the many unusual Alfa special one off and low production models (70_Alfa_Curio)
$129.95 |
1910-2010 History of Alfa Romeo Style Center 176 pages hardcover Un Momento per uno stile by Stefano D'Amico in ITALIAN language about the history of Alfa styling and design (80_Alfa_Stile)
$129.95 |
Tutte All the Alfa Romeos 1910-2010 864 pages on all models incl 6C 2300 8C 2900 1900 Matta Giulietta Giulia 2000 2600 Giulia Spider 33 1750 Montreal Alfasud Sprint Alfetta GT GTV GTV6 ++ (80_All_Alfa)
$499.95 |
1910-2016 Alfa Romeo all the cars 594 pages hardcover by Ardizio & Leonello incl 6C 2300 8C 2900 1900 Matta Giulietta Giulia 2000 2600 Giulia Spider 33 1750 Montreal Alfasud Sprint Alfetta GT GTV GTV6 ++ (79788879115902)
$44.95 |